According To Recent Study Nearly 4,000 Americans Are Injured While Using Their Cellphone
Face it! We can't live without our cellphones.
They are apart of our daily routine and with apps, social media, and video chatting we can get pretty distracted with them to the point of even causing us physical harm.
According to a study from the JAMA Network, a new study gave a recent estimate that as many as 4,000 Americans have suffered injuries related to cellphone usage yearly!
Some of the injuries are from minor bruises and falls to even more serious injuries from driving behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.
Did you know forty one percent of cellphone injuries happened at home, and 26 percent of those cases are either cuts or lacerations, also 25 percent were contusions or abrasions and eighteen percent were injuries to internal organs.
These injuries are steady rising as in 2007, when the iPhone was first introduced, the number of people reporting injuries related to cellphones in the United States more than tripled!
Simple advice to avoid those injuries is to put your phone away, don't look at the screen if you are walking or driving.