Add Digging for Fossils in Mineral Wells, Texas to Your Summer Adventure
People have always had a fascination with dinosaurs. Those huge beasts are thought to have roamed our planet some 65 plus million years ago. Since their extinction, the remains of those animals have turned into oil or have stayed preserved in the ground eventually turning into rock after the millions of years of pressure. There are a couple of spots in Texas that are hotspots for finding fossils. One of those places is in Mineral Wells, Texas called Mineral Wells Fossil Park. This could be a cool adventure for the family to dig up, and keep, fossils.
Last Minute Addition to Summer Plans
Your summer plans are probably already in stone (I always intend my puns here) but that doesn't mean that a last minute addition to those plans wouldn't be possible. For us in East Texas, Mineral Wells would be about a four hour drive to reach Mineral Wells Fossil Park. The park is free to visit and you can take home any fossils that you find in the park. The park exists because of the city's landfill that closed in the early 1990s. The last 20 years of erosion created the park as it is today. Fossils in the park are from the Pennsylvanian Period which dates back about 300 million years.
What You'll Need to Dig
You don't need a lot to dig in the park. suggests bringing some small Ziplocs to put your fossils in and knee pads to make digging on the ground more comfortable. There is very little cover or shade in the area so an umbrella is recommended to protect yourself from the sun. There is no running water on the property either with only "primitive restrooms" in the park.
Things to Keep in Mind
They also warn of dangerous drop offs, steep slopes and loose gravel that could make your footing a little tricky. There is also the possibility of running into a dangerous animal or insect. Saying all of that is not to damper your fun but just for you to keep in mind if you plan on visiting the park.
Your kids or grandkids probably love dinosaurs and will probably love an adventure like this for a weekend. Get all the details at