There’s an App That Tells You Which McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines Are Out of Order
Personally, I have felt the pain of going to McDonald’s and ordering a McFlurry only to be told the machine is down, crushing my sweet tooth addiction. From Seventeen magazine, customers have been complaining for years about machines randomly being out of service, but hooray for technology - now there's an app to indicate if your local McDonald's ice cream machine is working or not.
According to KENS 5, a new app called Ice Check will tell you if your local McDonald’s ice cream machine is working right on your phone. BET reports the app creator and up-and-coming tech guru, Raina McLeod created it after having disappointing experiences with McDonald’s ice cream machines.
When someone reports a machine is down, everyone else with the app will also know. So if you do report a broken machine, you could be saving somebody’s day. Currently, it’s only available for iPhone user, which leaves me in the cold because I’m an android user. Nevertheless, kudos to Raina for the creativity!.
To download the app click here and give it a try and make sure you keep us posted on which ice cream machines are out of order.
Also, we haven't checked the facts on this video, but it seems like a pretty good reason for why McDonald's comically doesn't serve ice cream at random times.