Apple Products Stolen From Tyler Best Buy
Tyler Police are investigating a break in at Best Buy after alarms went off at 2:32 a.m. early Friday morning (August 16th).
According to KLTV, when police arrived to 5514 S. Broadway they noticed the doors were damaged and went to investigate.
Once they determined the store was clear of anybody being inside a representative made it known a large number of Apple products i.e. computers and watches were stolen from the store.
Surveillance camera's showed two vehicles pull up to the store one white SUV, and a gray Silver 4-door-sedan where six individuals wearing hoodies and gloves using a crowbar to enter the store moving in and out within five minutes.
Authorities are asking for assistance in finding the suspects who could be involved in a crime ring who have possibly hit other Best Buy retail stores in Texas.
If anybody know anything call the Tyler Police (903) 531-1000, or Crimestoppers who is offering a $1,000 reward for any information at (903) 597-CUFF (2833).
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