If you wear more than a women's size 10 you're going to have some trouble shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch.
That's because the retailer limits all of its female apparel to ten and under. And the reason for this restriction is causing controversy.
Ikea’s Swedish Meatballs Found to Contain Horsemeat
So far America has been spared in the horsemeat scandal that began in Ireland last month. Which is good news for all of us who never developed a taste for Mr. Ed.
Woman Buys Ad Space to Dump Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day
Whether you're stuck trying to figure out an original way to be romantic or lamenting the fact you don't have a sweetheart, Valentine's Day definitely isn't all chocolate and good feelings.
But no matter your February 14th gripe, you are still probably having a better Valentine's Day than a Manchester, England man named Dan.
Restaurant Receipt Includes Discount For Well-Behaved Kids
As every parent knows, it's tough to get little kids to behave in a restaurant. Being in a new environment will excite the youngsters and many of their typically inoffensive meal time antics, such as loud talking, hyperactivity and the occasional food play, become amplified into something less adorable and more annoying when strangers are watching.
Cancel the Benefit Concert — Twinkies Have Been Saved!
Feng's son Xiao had been a good student with a promising future. But according to Feng, who lives with his son in China, Xiao got really into video games in high school and his obsession was such that he hadn't found a job or moved out of the house by 23.
Worst Jewel Thieves Ever Tunnel Into KFC By Mistake
Peter Welsh and Dwayne Doolan really wanted to steal some jewels on New Year's Eve. So the Australians first threw spark plugs at the windows of Wrights Classique Jewellers in Queensland in hopes that would break them in. When that didn't work, they tried to barge in through the back door -- only to find themselves in the neighboring Animal Welfare League.
Subway Sandwich Artist Flips Out On Customer Who Demands Ketchup
Most Subway sandwich shops don't have ketchup. While it may seem weird that a fast food chain would ignore such a popular condiment, when you consider Subway doesn't offer burgers or fries it makes more sense.
18-Year-Old Brazilian Woman Auctioning Off Virginity to Pay Mom’s Medical Bill
After Rebeca Bernardo's mother suffered a debilitating stroke, the 18-year-old tried waitressing and other "legitimate" forms of employment to raise funds for mom's care.
But when that wasn't enough, Bernardo turned to the world's oldest profession. Inspired by fellow Brazilian Catarina Migliorini, who raised $ 780,000 by auctioning off her virginity, Bernardo decided to put her first ti
Naked Man Engages Police in New Year’s Samurai Standoff
They call New Year's Eve amateur night because it's a night where nearly everyone parties hard, not just those who have regular experience with intoxicants. This means that it's a pretty safe bet that some idiotic stuff is going to go down, sometimes even before the ball drops.
Homeowner Catches UPS Man Stealing Daughter’s Just Delievered iPad