Clever Ways To Stay ‘Social’ During The COVID-19 Outbreak
Being an introvert I don't mind being left to my own devices.
I can sit in complete silence at home and either watch a movie, read a book, catch up on rest and not worry about no one being around to cause noise.
However, I do think about other individuals who are social butterflies and feel restricted from going out with friends or being around family due the COVID-19 outbreak and could be having a hard time adjusting to something that is normal for me.
With me having family and friends especially in California, Chicago, and New York who are currently on lockdown I thought about ways I could bring comfort to them while dealing with these troubled times and I hope they can be helpful to you as well
1. Call
Nothing beats a phone call to check on family and friends. My grandparents aren't tech savvy so just to pick up the phone and call them always bring a smile to my face especially in times like today.
2. Video Chat
Technology is beautiful! Since me and my two sisters are living in different states we keep in touch through video chat. With video streaming services like Skype, FaceTime for Apple users, and Duo for Android you can always remain connected as if you all are in the same room.
3. Host Netflix Parties
Here is something I just learned about having Neflix is that you can host Netflix Party Nights. With this you can now synchronizes video playback and add group chat to your favorite Netflix shows.
You can host virtual movie nights with family members or have a virtual "Netflix and Chill" night with your sweetie. It's available on Chrome browsers on desktop or laptop computers.
Since we have been in self isolation I have never been more connected to my family and friends just to check on their well being. I have learned a valuable lesson that you are never too busy to stay connected with family.
Who says you can't be social while practicing 'social distancing?'