Dear Tyler Woman Dragged for Trying to Put ETX Business on Blast, This One’s For You
Dragging - being disrespected or humiliated on an internet forum. To “drag” someone is to publicly humiliate them on some kind of social media platform.
Dear Tyler Woman Who Got Dragged Attempting to Put Local Business on Blast,
Ma'am, do you know what the best thing about these public East Texas Facebook groups, aside from finding out about new places, and reading kind-hearted stories? Watching clueless folks get dragged. It's true that it takes a certain level of self awareness to avoid these situations, something you lack.
I will remove your name from this post, but, lady, some advice for the future: Don't share videos of yourself banging on retail store doors, NOBODY IS ON YOUR SIDE. Just go home next time. Maybe take a little walk. It's clear that you're having a bad day.
Better yet, don't bang on retail doors. But that's not you, is it?
Trying to humiliate a business or its employees, is not a good look. I get your off-put that they didn't open their doors promptly, but next time kindly wait a few minutes like a normal person. Have you ever tried online shopping?
Once you've calmed down, are ready to apologize, and agree to act like a civilized human being you can come out shopping again. And before you hit upload next time first ask yourself "is this a 'me' problem or is this a 'them' problem?"
Like a lot of you I've worked retail, and it can be a lot of fun. Some customers are great, but some can really bring you down. Thankfully I was never put in this type of situation by an unruly self-righteous customer -- so I can only leave it up to my imagination how these employees felt. And I don't imagine it felt good.
Along with the video of herself banging on the front door, here's how she captioned her tone-deaf post:
[NAME REDACTED] wrote, "RANT! Bath and body works employees ignoring customers outside the door and refusing to open up 10 minutes AFTER opening time! Hung up on us when we called the store! There were at least four employees in the store! I guess when you think you’re the hottest gift spot in town you can be rude!
Of course, I get being annoyed the doors aren't opened promptly for posted business hours, but quick question; how did you expect this situation to resolve itself? After your phone call and door banging?
Ma'am. we'll let your video serve as an example of how not to act while Christmas shopping in East Texas this year.