If you know me then you already know how into my daughter's activities I am. I am involved from beginning to the end and I think every child should have cheerleaders cheering them on when participating in activities. At a track meet last week, I had the pleasure of meeting a track club that is based right here in East Texas. They go by the name of Beast Texas Track Club and they have children from all over East Texas participating. If you get a chance you  check them out at meet you should go support them.

Andre Thomas Beast Texas Track Club
Andre Thomas Beast Texas Track Club

The group is lead by Andre Thomas out of Gilmer, Texas and is an AAU Track & Field youth club coaching boys and girls from the age of 4-18 in all events that AAU offers per age group. The road to the Jr. Olympics is a costly one and I know this because my daughter is competing at the Jr. Olympics this year.  They are currently running fundraisers in efforts to raise the necessary fund to get the club to Humble, Texas and back for the  Jr. Olympics that will be held in Humble, Texas July 30 - August 7th. To learn more about the Beast Texas Track Club, you can follow their Facebook page @BEASTTEXASTRACLCLUB.  Let's congratulate these young athletes as they prepare for the Jr. Olympics games next week.


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