Face Masks Are Now Required When Flying Southwest and American Airlines
If you want to fly the friendly skies you will now be required to wear a face mask or covering as new regulations are put in place at major airlines.

Dallas News is reporting that on yesterday (May 11th) rules went into effect on Southwest Airlines and American Airlines along with other well-known airlines that face masks are now required in attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19 to passengers.
With many states already reopening traveling is starting to resume and flight attendants expressed concern about passengers not using a face mask when traveling .
Seth Kaplan a transportation analyst and industry observer said using this practice will give travelers more comfort about flying per Dallas News.
Even though airlines have started this practice certain rules apply as Southwest request that passengers wear a mask as they check in for a flight, boarding a flight, inflight, and getting off a flight and retrieving your baggage.
American Airlines only request that you wear a mask when they are entering a plane.
Even Dallas Love Field is among one of the airlines who are requiring their passengers and employees to wear a mask, but not denying passengers who aren't wearing one and DFW has no requirements as of right now.
As much as I love flying and would love to see my family in Chicago and California I am not quite comfortable taking any flights until this COVID-19 pandemic is better situated.
Are you comfortable with the new rules for flying?
How to Sew a Face Mask
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