Getting Cleaning Supplies Amid COVID-19 Drawing Concern According To New Study
Consumers are getting very concerned when it comes to purchasing cleaning supplied since the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to The Hill, during a study from the Consumer Brands Association seventy one percent of consumers feel that way while it went up sixty seven percent in a poll conducted on March 25th and fifty four percent two weeks prior to that.
When consumers were asked about products that were hard to find sixty five percent said hand sanitizer, toilet paper, disinfecting wipes, face masks, and cleaning supplies.
On the bright side things have calmed down in regards to getting other products as the survey indicated that sixty two percent of consumers said they're worried about being able to get personal care items has fallen from seventy percent on March 18th.
For grocery shoppers seventy one percent of consumers who were concerned about getting food and beverages has went down from seventy seven percent, and sixty percent of consumers who were concerned about getting over the counter medicine went down from sixty four percent.
Are you less concerned or not than you were earlier about getting other kinds of products, like personal care items, food and beverages, and over-the-counter medicines?