Hot 107-3 Jamz Celebrates 51st Anniversary Of Kwanzaa! Principal One: UMOJA
Video Source: Now This World
Today (December 26) starts the 51st annual celebration of Kwanzaa. From the official Kwanzaa website, this seven-day celebration was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, a professor of African Studies. During the holiday families, along with their communities’ plan activities around the Nguzo Saba (The Seven Principals)
- Umoja – Unity
- Kujichagulia – Self Determination
- Ujima – Collective Work and Responsibility
- Ujamaa – Cooperative Economics
- Nia – Purpose
- Kuumba – Creativity
- Imani – Faith
Here is the first principal of Kwanzaa: UMOJA (UNITY)
The candle we light for Umoja represents a symbol of “Unity”. It stresses the importance of togetherness for the family and community, which is reflected in the African Proverb “I AM because WE ARE.” Because of these words they inspire us every day to believe that everyone in our community is responsible for one another and by working together we will achieve great things.
Practice UMOJA every day!