Hot 107-3 Jamz Celebrates The 51st Annual Kwanzaa Celebration! Principal Three: UJIMA
Video Source: Now This World
Today (December 28) is the third day of the 51st annual celebration of Kwanzaa. From the official Kwanzaa website, this seven-day celebration was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, a professor of African Studies. During the holiday families, along with their communities’ plan activities around the Nguzo Saba (The Seven Principals)
- Umoja – Unity
- Kujichagulia – Self Determination
- Ujima – Collective Work and Responsibility
- Ujamaa – Cooperative Economics
- Nia – Purpose
- Kuumba – Creativity
- Imani – Faith
Here is the third principal of Kwanzaa: UJIMA (COLLECTIVE WORK AND RESPONSIBILITY)
We light the green candle for Ujima, which symbolizes “collective work and responsibility”. As a people we are collectively responsible for our achievements as well as setbacks. We must continue to build and maintain our communities together and make our brothers’ and sisters’ problems our problems and solve them together.
There is an old saying….Yes, to whom is much given much is expected.
Practice UJIMA every day!