Ewww Gross: Top 10 List of Texas’ Most Frequent Road Kill
The Top 10 Disgusting List of Texas' Most Frequent Road Kill
Texas is home to 16 interstates and 45 highways that spans the 1,674 miles we call home. So its no wonder we are on the top of the list when it comes to road kill in the country.
Here is the top ten most disgusting list of most frequent road kill in Texas according to Chatgpt.
White-tailed DeerPlease be careful when driving anywhere in Texas as we have one of the highest fatality rates in the country for animal related accidents as well. You can read those statistics here.
Here are some tips to avoid an collision with an animal while driving in Texas.
State Farm Insurance advices that drivers need to slow down at dusk and dawn, most likely time of day to hit animal, pay attention to animal crossing signs, this indicates a large wildlife population and last but NOT LEAST, don’t swerve!
Further adding, "The most serious crashes occur because of swerving."
A great video on what to do if an animal runs in front of you from AAA can be found on YouTube. Take a minute to refresh your memory on the safest way to avoid injury to yourself if an animal runs in front of you.