14 Names You’ve Heard Before That Are Buried in the State of Texas
Everyone knows that Texas is a gigantic state with tons of talented people, some of who have passed away but their bodies have been laid to rest here in the state we call home. My guess is that most if not all of the past celebrities and famous people all decided to be buried here but some could have been decided by family members. Either way it’s interesting to find out about some of the most famous people that have their grave site here in the state of Texas.
It was fascinating to look through a list of almost 1,300 famous people that have their grave site in the state of Texas but I didn’t have time to list everyone so I picked out some that really caught my attention. I’m sure there are others on the list at Find A Grave that would interest you if you have more time to look around.

There are Musicians, Actors, Politicians and More
While death is not exactly the most fun topic to discuss, it’s interesting to think about where you would possibly want to be buried, if that’s what you choose to do after death. It’s pretty cool that so many celebs would choose Texas as their final resting place.
One Big Name Buried in Tyler, Texas
If you’re familiar with the Waco Siege that took place in 1993 you know the name David Koresh who was the cult leader who resisted law enforcement which led to the death of himself and 74 of his followers. Koresh is now buried at Tyler Memorial Park and Cemetary. Let’s look at other big names buried in the state of Texas.
15 Famous People Buried in the State of Texas
8 Rumored Buried Treasure Sites in Texas
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