No Test No Testimony! Single Mother Of 5 Is Graduating From Law School
The old saying is true! "No Test, No Testimony"
Houston native Ieshia Champs is not your average woman and she has proved to the world that when life gives you lemons you make lemonade. When you hear her story, you will be reminded of the story of Job in the Bible on how he lost everything, but while he was going through he trusted God and got double for his trouble for remaining faithful and Ieshia is the perfect example.
Since she was a little girl Ieshia had dreams of becoming a lawyer, but while she was on her journey she ran into hardships and tragedy that made her dream difficult to reach. However, with her support system from her sister Ebony Champs and kids, her Pastor and holding on to her faith Ieshia would soon have a testimony to share with the world.
CBS News reports, the single mother suffered from having a mother addicted to drugs, her father deceased, losing her home to a fire, lost her job and the passing of her children’s father to cancer it is a blessing in itself that she didn’t lose her mind through her adversity.
Ieshia attempted suicide, but God had bigger plan which allowed her Pastor Louise Holman to call and give her an encouraging word that would suddenly change everything.
Pastor Louise Holman called me one day and said that God told her to tell me to go back to school and get my GED, because that lawyer I wanted to be, I'll be it!
Ieshia though the idea was crazy because she was now older and had children, but she remained obedient and not only did she receive her GED, she went on to Houston Community College, the University of Houston-Downtown, to finally Texas Southern University’s Thurgood Marshall School of Law where she is preparing to graduate in May.
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. Job 13:15
The moral of this story is that it’s never too late to finish a goal. God gave this mountain to Ieshia to show somebody that it came be moved and personally I am grateful for her testimony.
Congrats Attorney Champs! May you continue to be an inspiration for all as you continue your journey.