Not “Okurrr” – Cardi B Denied Trademark By U.S. Patent Office
Welp! Cardi B's attempt to trademark her catch phrase "Okurrr" is not "OK" as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rejected her request.
According to the Daily News, Cardi applied back in March for use on posters, cups, T-Shirts and even underwear.
The patent office says the term "Okuuur" is very common "used by a variety of sources that merely conveys an ordinary, familiar, well-recognized concept or sentiment" and further explained the term was used in the drag community and by celebrities as an alternative say to say "OK."
In other Cardi news, with the Democratic debates in full swing she is reaching out to her fans via Instagram to get involved and have the candidates answer their questions.
If you was to have a chance to ask one of these democratic candidates a question, what would your question be? What would you like to see change in your community? What would you like to see change in the United States?
Hopefully we will get some answers as the second round of Democratic debates is scheduled for July 30th and 31st, and the third round on September 12th and 13th.