What's your super power? Fostering a child who needs a good home is always a great option.Too often children in the community get caught up in the child welfare system and are left with the state to serve as the parent. Although we live in a great state, Texas is not the ideal parent for a child who has been removed from his or home due to abuse and/or neglect and is in need of tender loving care.


Fortunately, we have organizations like Benchmark Family Services that provide therapeutic foster care in various states.  And this weekend, they will host a Power Up Weekend, a free training for community members interested in becoming foster parents. Classes will be held at the Bench Family Services office located in Longview at 3216 North 4th Suite 104. Class times are as follows: Saturday, July 8, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.  and Sunday, July 9, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.  Bring your appetite! A pizza dinner will be provided.

The training process is progressive and parents can be licensed in as little as three weeks. Call 903-291-1770 today to reserve your spot, and power up to make a difference in a child's life!

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