There are Taco Dietitians in Austin and They Have a Taco Cleanse Just For You
Who would have thought to purify yourself with TACOS! I'm excited to write about this not only because it' was #TacoTuesday when I saw this, but I also posted earlier about being more health-conscious about my eating habits... low and behold the "Food God's" heard my cry because it's the Taco Cleanse.
Now, out of all the cleanses out there whether it's juicing, the lemon water cleanse, or the Master Cleanser (I actually tried that), this Taco Cleanse has my attention because who doesn't like tacos and this is actually a diet I could follow.
From the website Simple Most, it explains that the taco cleanse is vegan. It's a plant-based diet created by a group of Taco Scientist in Austin, Texas. They took the simple and perfect concept of the Taco and re-imagined it to fit every kind of lifestyle. The Taco Cleanse has been out for a while and many people have embraced it. Even actress Jennifer Aniston.
If you are interested in the Taco Cleanse you can purchase the book here.
It seems pretty crazy, but Texas is a great place to try the taco cleanse.