T-Shirt Company’s New Shirt Pokes Fun At Texans Over The Sale Of Whataburger
Battle lines have been drawn!
The tug of war between Texans and Chicagoans over the sale of Whataburger continues to grow as a t-shirt company has now got involved with a special shirt that really pushes the envelope.
According to CBS DFW, RAYGUN an Iowa based company launched a t-shirt that really make the sale of Whataburger hard to swallow with Texans.
The company released a t-shirt poking fun at the sale of Whataburger to Texans, but the caption really stings!
Chicago’s most famous Texas hamburger chain! (As of June 2019)
Even I cringed at the caption and I'm a Chicagoan.
They even poked fun at the idea of Whataburger serving classic "Chicago food" like deep dish pizza (I like that idea), hot dogs, have Old Style beer and even Fly the "W" after a Cubs win (they went too far with that one I'm a White Sox fan).
Texans are already upset over the sale of their beloved Whataburger and even J.J. Watt of the Houston Texans called on Texans to pitch in to buy it back. However, these shirts are just rubbing MORE salt in the wound.
The Whataburger Chicago t-shirt is $23 and to pick up yours click here.
Can I get one in a 2XL?