
‘Pray For Obama’ Billboard Stirs Controversy In Texas
‘Pray For Obama’ Billboard Stirs Controversy In Texas
‘Pray For Obama’ Billboard Stirs Controversy In Texas
In Victoria Texas, the Secret Service is investigating a billboard posted that reads, "Pray for Obama" with the Bible scripture below it reading Psalms 109:8. The scripture is what has people upset. The billboard has stirred major controversy because of the interpretation of what the Bible scripture reads in regard to President Obama.
Beyonce Reveals Title Of New Album To Billboard
Beyonce Reveals Title Of New Album To Billboard
Beyonce Reveals Title Of New Album To Billboard
Pop/R&B diva Beyonce has finally revealed the title of her new album. She's already released her first single “Run The World (Girls),” and three teasers for it’s upcoming video, so naturally next would be the name of the upcoming album, right?