
Awesome Guy Buys a Kmart, Donates Everything to Charity
Awesome Guy Buys a Kmart, Donates Everything to Charity
Awesome Guy Buys a Kmart, Donates Everything to Charity
We’ve all done it. We buy a small bag of groceries at the store to donate to a food bank. We bring toys for the tots. We buy some gloves and a scarf to put on a tree for a needy child. But few of us have done what Rankin Paynter did for his Clark County community.
How We Can Help In The Fight Against Hunger
How We Can Help In The Fight Against Hunger
How We Can Help In The Fight Against Hunger
We have all seen the commercials on T.V. of families not having enough food. Parents doing without so their children can have a meal. Hunger is a universal problem. Hunger does not just exist "over there" -- every day in every community our neighbors are experiencing this devastating issue ...