
Grandma Raided in NASA Sting For Trying to Sell Moon Rock
Grandma Raided in NASA Sting For Trying to Sell Moon Rock
Grandma Raided in NASA Sting For Trying to Sell Moon Rock
NASA officials recovered a tiny piece of a moon rock in a raid targeting a 74-year-old woman who tried to sell it at a California Denny’s restaurant. The raid was the result of a five month investigation into the missing lunar material that netted a “speck of lunar dust smaller than a grain of rice.”
Proof UFO’s Exist [VIDEO]
Proof UFO’s Exist [VIDEO]
Proof UFO’s Exist [VIDEO]
From ET calling home to Mars Attacks the under lying questions that mankind wants an answer to are: Do you think we are the only "living" planet? Do you think that we are sharing the universe with others? This video after the jump which was captured by NASA really makes you wonder. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think.