Texas 7-11 Stores Using Classical Music For A Weird Reason
Next Time You Pull Up To A 7-11 Store And You Hear Classical Music, It Has Nothing To Do With Them Trying To Add Some "Elegance" To Your Shopping Experience.
I'll be the first to admit that I unfortunately "cringe" at the sight of someone panhandling at a gas station or convenience store and as a human being it kind of makes me sad that I behave this way but its my truth and I hope to be better. But at least I'll admit it here and not pretend that it bothers me just like a few owners of 7-11 locations in Texas and California who are have created a solution to combat the problem.
The Sounds Of Mozart, Bach And Beethoven.
For several years now, California 7-11 locations have used LOUD classical music to as a tactic to deter homeless people from camping out in front of their storefronts. According to store owners there, they were tired of customers being harassed or finding drugs and other trash around their stores and since they've started playing the loud music, they've noticed the panhandling and loitering has dropped.
So, Texas 7-11 Store Owners Began Blasting Music Too....But Residents Aren't Happy About It.
While the tactic is used to push homeless people away, those WITH HOMES who live near some of these stores are NOT HAPPY with the around the clock blasting of Opera music. An Austin 7-11 is receiving backlash from local residents complaining about the non-stop music with some resorting to going to OTHER locations just to get away from the noise.

While we all wish there was a magic cure for homelessness (there is a million different ways to cure it, but the simplest solutions are IMPOSSIBLE in America because...its America) this seems like no-win situation for everyone involved.
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