Texas House Approves Born-Alive Abortion Bill
The Texas House has approved a born-alive abortion bill.
House Bill 16, which was approved Tuesday, requires a doctor to treat a baby born alive, when an abortion fails, according to EastTexasMatters.com. The bill now moves from the house to the Senate, which approved a similar bill. Doctors who “fail to provide the appropriate medical treatment” would face a third degree felony charge and a fine of at least $100,000.
“At the heart of the bill, the ‘Texas Born-Alive Protection Act’ — it is designed to strengthen the protections to those babies who survive abortions. Join me in supporting House Bill 16, showing the rest of the country — states like Virginia, New York and Washington, D.C. — that we’re going to continue to stand for life in this state.”,
Democratic Representative Harold V. Dutton Jr., who voted against the bill, said
“The aim of HB 16 is clear: further stigmatize abortion, misinform the public, intimidate physicians and interfere with a woman’s ability to seek medical care,” Howard said. “To debate this bill ... would legitimize its false information. We refuse to waste limited time we have here by entertaining malicious and purely political attacks against women and doctors.”