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Before I pour into the LIE Dan Patrick is spreading I would like to begin by pointing out that THIS is the kind of stuff folks like to say "causes division" but goes unchecked because of "party alignment" aka "Red Conservative Or Blue Liberal" gang politics which is how American politics are nowadays.

According to the Washington Post, in a recent appearance on Fox News (where else) the Lt. Governor said that “African Americans who have not been vaccinated” are “the biggest group in most states” causing a surge in COVID cases.

For starters, this is clearly a RACIST DOG WHISTLE call to blame 13 percent of the population of the state. What about the other...oh SEVENTY TO EIGHTY PERCENT of the state. Let's dig into the facts kids because Dan Patrick is LIAR.

The latest data from the Texas Department of State Health Services shows that the African American population there is not driving the increase in cases. Black residents in Texas accounted for 16.4 percent of the state’s cases and 10.2 percent of deaths as of Aug. 13. Black people make up about 13 percent of the state’s population, according to census data.

Now I'm not a math expert but 13 percent of the ENTIRE POPULATION OF TEXAS is Black really can't do jack but let's move on to some more facts:

While vaccination rates are low among Black Texans, the highest coronavirus case rates are among Whites and Hispanics. Non-Hispanic White people, who make up about 41 percent of the state’s population, make up 34.9 percent of covid cases and 41.1 percent of deaths, according to the data as of August 13. Hispanics, who account for almost 40 percent of the Texas population, make up 35.8 percent of the state’s cases and 46.1 percent of deaths.

In summation, Dan Patrick is a liar. He's using Black people as a diversion to distract from the fact that his bosses policies concerning controlling COVID have failed. If the Governor of the big bad independent "want to secede from the union" nation of Texas has to BEG FOR DOCTORS AND NURSES TO COME FROM OUT OF STATE TO HELP HOSPITALS OVER RUN BY COVID PATIENTS GUESS WHAT... your "policy" has failed miserably.

This kind of incompetence is easy to see when you elect liars.


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