Today’s Pearls of Wisdom
Preserve your right to say, "No". That was the very first phrase glued to my 2017 vision board because I am so inclined to say yes to everything I believe to be a "good cause".People will pull you in every direction they deem important and use you for your gift. People will pull you in every direction they deem important and in order to focus on where you want to go this year, you're going to have to learn how to say no to everyone else's agenda and yes, to what pertains to your destiny and vision for 2017.
Selfish? Absolutely not. You shouldn't have to apologize for working on a better life and future for yourself. Anyone who matters, won't mind. Anyone who minds, well.... apparently they don't matter.
This year, preserve your right to say No and exercise your right to say Yes to YOU and your purose.