Tyler Bus Rides Are a Little Cooler Thanks to This East Texan
During Texas summer months, taking public transportation in Tyler can be a little grueling if not a complete health hazard for some. When you count waiting time and travel time, that heat does not disappear during the commute. But there is one East Texan who is bringing relief to members of her community .
Meet Nora Schreiber, outside of working at Stanley’s Famous Pit Bar-B-Q she is a student, local artist, and also a former employee here (I like her already)! One day she was working at Stanley’s and a few of her co-workers came in looking as if they just finished working an eighteen-hour shift.
Their vehicle was totaled that week so they had to ride public transportation. Get this: it gets so hot, the cold water they brought with them was warm midway through the bus ride!
If you're not aware, at times public transportation can take up to an hour and half to reach your destination.
It all started three years ago - Nora and her friends decided to put water coolers filled with ice and water at 10 bus stops around the city of Tyler. The second year, her movement grew and Net Health donated 3,000 bottles of water - expanding to 20 bus stops. This year, it expanded even more as Net Health donated coolers and Hope Springs in Athens, Texas donated 4,000 bottles of water. You can get involved too by checking out her non-profit, The Worthy Ones.
These acts of kindness have grown so much that now businesses and individuals can “Adopt-A-Stop” and sponsor a bus stop where those involved can check on their stops throughout the week. Nora, checks on ALL of the stops once a week, which can be a 5- hour endeavor.
Most individuals are driving and enjoying their air conditioning - like myself - so we can easily take for granted how fortunate we are to not sit and wait for public transportation.
So how did it all begin?
Nora met a 74-year-old man who just missed the bus and had to wait an additional hour for the next one. During their conversation she learned that his expected commute was an hour-and-a-half - and this was all just to pick up his medicine.
"That's how you get involved. When you're driving around, look at the people standing at the bus stop. See if there is a cooler there," said Schreiber.
Nora is very grateful for the help and support of the community, but she suggested everyone should take the bus once in Tyler during the summer to get a glimpse of what commuters go through. Before you know it you will be checking for those water coolers as well.
I can’t express how touched I am by this act of kindness from Nora which make me want to talk to my fellow co-workers and see if we can “Adopt-A-Stop” to lend our support to this cause. Nora Schreiber….YOU ROCK!
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