Walmart Removing Violent Games And Displays From Their Stores
Walmart is cracking down on how they will handle violent video games and displays through a new policy.
After the deadly shooting at an El Paso Walmart Saturday (August 3rd) which left 22 people killed including two managers the retail store is making significant changes by removing video games and displays showing violent content from their stores.
According to USA Today, Walmart sent out a memo to remove games and signs that show "violent themes or aggressive behavior."
Walmart Spokeswoman Tara House released a statement on the decision,
We’ve taken this action out of respect for the incidents of the past week, and this action does not reflect a long-term change in our video game assortment.
The memo also included to not show any videos of hunting season in the Sporting Good department or movies that display violence in the Electronics department.
A petition from Change.Org has also been established asking Walmart to stop selling guns and so far there are over 63,000 signatures to date.
Walmart is currently reviewing that policy.