Back To The Polls: Tyler & Longview Hold City Council Elections May 1
I already know what you're saying: "We gotta go vote again?". YES! After all the effort and push to get you to vote in the Federal elections last year, these LOCAL elections are even MORE important because who you elect and their policies can effect you directly HERE almost immediately while those on the higher levels can take more time.
This Saturday May 1st is election day in Tyler and Longview and both cities have city council seats that are up for grabs. While early voting comes to an end on Tuesday (April 27) you still have time to find out who, what and where the candidates stand on issues that effect your community.
In Tyler, since its an "odd numbered" year, city council seats in Districts 1, 3 and 5 are on the ballot:
District 1, Central: Greg Grubb vs. Stuart Hene
District 3, N. West: Shirley J McKellar vs. Dalila Reynoso
District 5, East: Kenith Freeman vs. Bob Westbrook
Polling hours on Saturday are 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM and for a list of polling locations CLICK HERE.
Meanwhile in Longview, voters from Districts 1 and 2 will elect council members with 5 candidates to choose from:
District 1: John A. Sims vs. Temple Carpenter III vs. Jeremiah Hunter.\
District 2: Nona Snoddy vs. Marisa R. Ward.
Polling hours on Saturday are also from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM and you can cast your vote at the following locations in Longview:
District 1 - West Longview - Pine Tree Community Center, 1701 Pine Tree Road
District 2 - Southwest Longview - Stamper Park Resource Center, 502 S. Center St.
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