Can You Guess Who These Tyler ISD Principals Are By Baby Pics?
Growing up when we school kids, the Principal was someone we were scared of and didn't want to see because if you had to see them, the news was probably not good. The Principal was seen as the "sheriff" of the school but in reality, they are so much more and the older you get, the more you understand the work they have to do and for that, we need to show our appreciation.
The kids are back in school and so far so good here in East Texas, nothing wild or crazy to report from our area so the Tyler ISD is having fun on social media with something special in honor of National Principals Month.
Throughout the month of October, Tyler ISD has been posting baby photos of all the principals in the district and they have been asking students, parents and faculty to do their best in trying to figure out who the principals are based on their baby photos.
Tyler ISD is also asking folks who take a guess to express their appreciation for the work these principals do using the hashtag #ThankAPrincipal. We're joining in on the fun and appreciation by showing these photos and asking you to take a guess! We'll help with a little hint on some of them.
This ADORABLE little lady runs one of our local elementary schools.
This little fella grew up to be principal of an elementary school! Who is it?
You can tell by this photo that this little lady means business and she's now principal at one of the Tyler high schools.
This little guy on horseback now runs an elementary school.
This cute and HAPPY little baby grew up to be and elementary principal.
This stylish baby was already rocking earrings as a baby now she's leading one of Tyler's elementary schools. Who is it?
This SHARP dressed little fella is now principal of one of Tyler's high schools.
The principal in this photo was about the same age of the students he's in charge of now when this photo was taken. Who is it?
The same can be said about this little lady who now is in charge of one of Tyler's elementary schools.
This little lady is now principal at a Tyler elementary school even though in this photo she seems unamused.
This cute smiling baby is now principal at a local elementary school, do you know who it is?
Last One: This little lady grew up to run another one of Tyler's schools but no hints on this one.
There's more photos coming this month so join in on the fun and visit the Tyler ISD Facebook page!
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