East Texas School Districts Offer Free Lunch During The COVID-19 Outbreak
Good news parents!
Tyler ISD is extending their curbside lunch program until April 3rd while schools are shut down amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
According to KLTV, the program originally began on March 16th has given out over 5,000 lunches to their students and Tyler ISD Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford would like to see more of the near 9,000 of his student body.
The District is partnering with the East Texas Food Bank and The Mentoring Alliance where they are volunteering their time and efforts to pass out lunches and emergency food packs for families in East Texas.
Lunches for the week are as follows:
- Monday – Peanut Butter and Jelly Crustable, Baby Carrots, Sunbelievable Cup, ½ cup fruit serving
- Tuesday – Breaded Chicken Sandwich, Lettuce and Pickles, Jicama Sticks, ½ cup fruit serving
- Wednesday – Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Baby Carrots, Hummus Cup, ½ cup fruit serving
- Thursday – Hamburger, Lettuce and Pickles, Sunbelievable Cup, ½ cup fruit serving
- Friday – Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Baby Carrots, Hummus Cup, ½ fruit serving
- Chocolate and White Milk Available
Also, starting on Monday (March 23rd) when students picking up their lunches they will also pick up grade specific learning packets that is part of their District's learning curriculum.
Here are the locations for the meal pick up:
- Boulter Middle School, 2926 Garden Valley Road
- Hubbard Middle School, 1300 Hubbard Drive
- Moore MST Magnet School, 2101 Devine Street
- Three Lakes Middle School, 2445 Three Lakes Parkway
- Caldwell Arts Academy, 331 South College Street
- Griffin Elementary School, 2650 North Broadway Avenue
- Peete Elementary School, 1511 Bellwood Road – BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25
Also, Bullard ISD is also providing free lunch for their students as well. Their pick up location is the elementary school — open from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., daily.
For more info on their schedule you can click here.
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