Free Transportation To Warming Centers In Tyler
The City of Tyler has shared an update with us on locations where residents without electricity or heat can stop by and get warm plus they are sharing information on how you get a free ride to one near you.
Emergency Management officials worked with faith organizations to open warming centers in the City for residents without power. Residents are reminded that warming centers are not medical facilities and not equipped to deal with medical emergencies. Residents should call the warming center before making plans to relocate. The following centers will be open after-hours/overnight:
Bethel Baptist Church, located at 504 W. 32nd St., will open today at 5 p.m. and will be open overnight. Contact: Ricky Garner at (903) 630-7369. Tyler Fire is providing 50 cots at this facility.
Shiloh Road Church of Christ, located at 1801 Shiloh Rd - in the Gym behind the main church - is open now and will be open overnight.
Kingdom Church located at 1818 N. Confederate Ave. Open now and plan to remain open overnight and through tomorrow. Contact Darrius Harris at (903) 636-3275. Unable to accommodate pets.
St. Louis Baptist Church at 4000 Frankston Highway. Open until midnight. Contact Pastor Caraway (903) 561-2167. Unable to accommodate pets.
The Salvation Army, 633 N. Broadway Ave., (903) 592-4361. Open 24/7.
Highway 80 Rescue Mission, 601 E. Valentine St., (903) 363-9265. Open overnight.
Residents should bring food, snacks, face masks, clothes, blankets, medications, diapers, formula and other essential items with them to the warming center.
Residents should wear a face mask and practice social distancing when at the centers.
Tyler Transit will be working with NDMJ, LLC taxi service to provide free rides to local warming centers. To request a ride, call (903) 520-8281 and leave a message with your home address, drop-off location, phone number and name.
If your organization or business wishes to open its doors as a city warming center should call Fire Chief David Coble at (903) 521-8200. For a list of other warming centers in East Texas CLICK HERE.
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