Google Celebrates Hip Hop History With Amazing Doodle
It's the 44th anniversary of Hip Hop and Google has turned you loose with two turntables and a crate full of HOT records!I absolutely love Google Doodle and look forward to seeing just how Google will alter its logo on the homepage from day to day in effort to commemorate holidays, history, people, periods in time, events etc. Well, today it's all about celebrating the underground urban movement we call Hip Hop birthed straight out the Boogie Down Bronx.
Hip Hop 101: One of the most important breakthroughs in Hip Hop music can be traced back to the creation of THE BREAK. The Break is the portion of the song that gives audiences a breather from main parts of the song, dropping down to a beat or instrumental just before coming back in full force. Check out how "the break" has revolutionized Hip Hop.
Please don't underestimate the POWER of the break in a Hip Hop song! Even if you're not a dancer, The Break of a song will get you up on your feet ready to make summin shake! One of my favorite breaks can be found around 4:36 of the classic hit, Rapper's Delight by The Sugar Gang. Check it out! "I said a hip hop hippie to the hippie to hip hip hoppa..."
Now that you will clearly be rapping Rapper's Delight for the remainder of the day, be sure to go check out the Google homepage and get your DJ on. Today we celebrate Hip Hop! What began as an urban movement and way of expression, has now become a force to reckon with, in almost all facets of society.
Be sure to catch our daily Classic Hip Hop Throwbacks as we, too, celebrate 44 years of Hip Hop Music.