High School Twins Graduate With Perfect Attendance For 13 Years
During my school years, I would always strive to make perfect attendance. Now, I have made perfect attendance a few times and even won customized pencils and tickets to a baseball game. However, in Louisville Kentucky a set of twins has taken perfect attendance to a new level.
KCEN report, twin sisters Mikayla and Miranda Morton who are seniors at Male High School have graduated with perfect attendance. What really make them special is that they had perfect attendance throughout their 13-year school career.
The sisters who are like 2 peas in a pod are active members of the track team and choir and they are so close you will never see one without the other. Mikayla spoke very highly of her sister saying:
She's like my best friend. I could never get rid of her.
They credit their grandmother who is a retired JCPS teacher who always gave them the same message:
You're going to school no matter what.
Grandma’s advice paid off because the twins are planning on attending the University of Louisville in the fall.
Congrats to you Mikalya and Miranda! Hot 107.3 Jamz wish you both continued success.