Senior Pictures Are a Must
Capturing your graduating high school student's transformation from a "kid" to an "adult" is one of the most contradicting moments of your life. sums up the Senior Portrait very well -- more after the jump.
High school senior pictures are an American tradition that has been around at least since World War II. These timeless photos taken by a professional photographer during the high school senior year capture teenage freshness as it’s poised on the brink of adulthood, ready to begin a career or enter college.
As a parent who has lived through three "Senior Portrait" sitting with my three older kids I am confident that you will feel such pride and joy along with a bone chilling realization that in fact your child is going to leave home soon and the only control you have now is prayer to the gods that life will treat your baby boy or girl well. Picking the right photographer is essential in capturing your child's inner spirit -- more after the jump.
Bellissimo Foto is adapt at personalizing this moment for your Senior. To make sweeten up the deal Seize the Deal has an opportunity for you to not sacrifice quality in order to stay within your budget.
Preparing for this photo shoot takes a little fore thought to ensure both you and your Senior are satisfied with the proofs. Ask plenty of questions before you get to the studio about best color and attired.