Strong Fall Winds Lifts & Removes Roof In Gladewater
We all woke up this morning to a chilly start in East Texas and also crazy high winds that according to some estimates, got up to about 30 miles per hour throughout the day today. Those winds are already reeking havoc across the area and the first report of the day we received is coming out of Gladewater.
According to a post on the Gladewater Police Department's Facebook page this morning, the downtown area was blocked off this morning due to a roof getting lifted off a building and draping over the front of the building blocking traffic.
The building is the old B&C Furniture Co. located at 222 S. Main Street. Its unknown if the building was occupied by anyone at this time or if the building was being used by another business but the aluminum roof is basically draped over the front of the building according to aerial photos.
Yikes! Thankfully no one was injured according to Gladewater PD but this also serves as a reminder to be careful out there today with these high winds especially if you're driving a big truck or working up in a high location outdoors today as this "Nor-easter" or "Bomb Cyclone" as many are calling it is causing wild scenes all across the country.
Like this video taken from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco a few days ago of strong winds causing an eerie "whistling" sound while driving across it.
While our folks on the East Coast are about to get the business too. So don't think its just isolated to us here.
Be careful out there friends and check on your folks, don't let the pretty sunshine fool you!
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