For the past month, I have been obsessed watching this show you may have heard of called, "Flea Market Flip". Another HUGE flea market experience is coming to Canton the last weekend in April.
You might as well call me "Karen" because I want to speak to a manager! Y'all got me clutching my invisible pearls over here. Chili is supposed to have BEANS in it! If you are allergic or hate beans in general, then, of course, this debate is not for you. Keep on scrolling.
My father would always take me with him and I got a taste of the good life back in those days. It was like being at a family reunion at the homecoming parade or the big rival HBCU football game.
I am a foodie. I live for food, I love for food. The way to woo me is to take me to a restaurant that serves authentic, delicious foods, like Filipino food for instance.