Are you serious?

The world famous chicken sandwich from Popeyes has become so famous and a must have that one Tennessee man is suing the fast food chain for selling out of the most popular menu item of the summer.

According to NBC News, Craig Barr filed a lawsuit with the company in a Hamilton County Court after his numerous attempts to buy the sandwich were unsuccessful.

Shawn Knight | TSM
Shawn Knight | TSM

Per the lawsuit Barr vehicle has suffered tire and rim damage from driving to various locations to buy the sandwich which totaling $1,500 and turned into a laughing stock by his friends.

To make matters worse Mr. Barr has swindled out of $25 by an ad on Craigslist which claimed a man worked at the restaurant and could get him one and we all know what happened right (holding in my laugh).

The amount Barr is suing for totals out the $5,000 and a court date has been set for October 26th.

Trust me I know the feeling as myself and my buddy Michael attempted to try to chicken sandwich and came up short, but because of making a simple phone call to our neighborhood Popeyes our ending was a happy one compared to Mr. Barr.

Will somebody please give him a sandwich!



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