Have You Ever Seen "The House"?

Its a movie that came out in 2017 starring Will Ferrell about a couple whose kid gets accepted into her dream college but they can't afford to pay for it so they start an illegal gambling operation in their house.

Well, This Real Life Story Is Much Deeper And No So Funny.

Smith County Jail
Smith County Jail

According to a report from KLTV, 42 year old Stuart Hendricks of Jacksonville was stopped by a deputy on Oct. 9 for a traffic violation. A search of Hendricks’ vehicle revealed $23,000 in cash which lead investigators to also seize his cellphone. A search of the phone produced ledgers, poker table rosters, text messages, videos and photographs of an illegal poker game operated in the county by Hendricks and co-conspirators.

Hendricks, Martin Guzman and a third man were considered operators and benefactors of the business.

Smith County Jail
Martin Guzman/Smith County Jail

47-year-old Martin Egoberto Guzman of Tyler and a third man, who is not listed in the Smith County Jail are accused, along with Hendricks of operating what's called a “rake” or "house take" from a poker game which makes the operation illegal. It's like they are being accused of running a "casino" without a license "kind of".

The Operation Also Had Some People In Debt

Smith County Jail
Smith County Jail

26 year old Blanca Vanessa Guzman, also from Tyler, stands accused of receiving large sums of money from those owing money to the operation and she would transfer the money out. According to the report and arrest affidavit, former Smith County Sheriff’s Office deputy Luis Alberto Sandoval was mentioned as being in debt to the poker business. Sandoval was arrested in August for assisting in drug trafficking and admitted in July to gambling at the operation and owing money to Hendricks.

Smith County Sheriff's Office
Smith County Sheriff's Office

They Even Had Recruiters.

Smith County Jail
Smith County Jail

Hendricks’ girlfriend, 23 year old Graciela Mendiola Perez of Jacksonville, is alleged to have assisted with recruiting players to the game and recruit women to entertain players at the operation. All 4 have been arrested and are each charged with money laundering.

The Jacksonville Wish List: 21 Businesses Residents Want The Most

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[PHOTOS] Stunning New Smith County Courthouse Plan Blends Traditional and Modern

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