Remember when we used to get out of the house and do fun things, and not worry about touching a germy surface?  We just went.  Tyler still has plenty of safe spaces, but some are safer than others.

If the gym is open, I am there.  I've been working out at the gym throughout the pandemic on treadmills, bikes, and free weights, and haven't caught anything more than a sore muscle.  Do you feel safe at the gym?  I do.  I've been swimming in the pool at my gym almost daily too, and so far so good.

It's no big surprise, but the gym is not the safest place to be if you're out and about, according to a new study.  And neither is the salon.  I've had several mani-pedis and a few haircuts (masked up), and it's all been just fine, and hopefully, that's been the case for you too.

The safest public place to be?  A museum.

new study says the risk of getting COVID-19 through aerosol particles is lower in museums than it is in supermarkets, restaurants, offices, and on public transportation.  They looked at the quality of the airflow, the type of activity carried out in the space, and the dose of aerosol particles inhaled by people in a room.  Museum visitors have automatic tendencies to social distance, knowing it's polite not to tailgate the next person when you're looking at exhibits, and that works out well in a pandemic world.

Tyler has some great, safe places to visit and they all have plans in place to sanitize, comply with capacity orders, and help us stay entertained during spring break, or during any ole week. gives us some ideas about the best museums to visit so we can make the most of it.

Tyler Rose Museum - They've got Texas Rose Festival history and memorabilia, along with interactive displays and exhibits, classroom and outdoor play spaces.

Tyler Museum of Art - There were no museums within 100 miles, so they decided to create one in 1952.  More than one million people have visited since then.

American Freedom Museum - It features the Hall of Presidents and the Hall of American Freedom, and documents military events from the American Revolution on.

The Goodman Museum -  It's a Tyler landmark, with photographs and artifacts from the mid-1800′s, and admission is free.

There are so many great places to visit around Tyler that begging to get us out of the house.  Check them out!

Museums have endured a lot over the past year, dealing with closures and restrictions, and now that they're open (and among the safest places to visit), it's the perfect time to show them some love and support. Netflix and video games will be there when we get back.

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