The Season Of Giving Back Is In Full Effect In Tyler, Texas
Imagine if you will, if we all really lived up to the meaning and the "spirit" of the "holidays" instead of bickering over the meaningless nonsense that causes debates about this time of the year. There are those who will say there's a "War On Thanksgiving and Christmas" but its all really just "media" hype to keep folks "engaged" and arguing. What we should be focused on is "giving thanks" and "giving back".
While I'm personally trying to do my part and not offer up "lip service", there are several groups and organizations that are getting together to help those who could use a helping hand at this time of the year and we want to highlight a few of those efforts and give you details on how you can help out and be a blessing to someone.
The "winter storm" earlier this year, raised an alarm about the lack of winter coats for kids in our community. Our NAWF Tyler family has gotten together to help collect coats for kids in need with a goal of reaching 80 coats to give away. At last count they were at about 70 coats but could still use more and today (Nov. 22nd) is the last day to donate.
You can drop off coats at several locations across Tyler and Winona today or you can contact Ross at Smoke Sum'n BBQ at 903-805-4120 if you have any questions.
Another group that's helping out is the Loyal Queens S.C. and Tyler Shade Tree who will be hosting a FREE Thanksgiving Dinner for the community on Tuesday November 23rd at City Park in Tyler located at 200 W. Queen Street. Its open to public so bring the family out for this special event.
Anything I missed? Please let us know and we want to encourage you to find a way to give back and be a blessing to someone this season.
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