Times Square Grand Slam Is Re-Opening Friday
Looking for something to do this weekend? Go to the movies!

As the 'Stay-at-Home' order is coming to an end on Thursday (April 30) as many businesses are preparing to open their doors and resume regular operations, but with precautions.
Times Square Grand Slam are going to open Friday (May 1st) and Time Square Grand Slam is preparing to welcome customers with new guidelines.
They will be operating around 25% of their total listed occupancy for any of their individual theater and have the seating to practice social distancing under executive order GA-18 from Gov. Abbott's report to OPEN TEXAS.
KLTV reports Times Square Grand Slam owner Howard Charba talked more about the new rules as he prepares to open.
The movie theater and the bowling alley were opening both up on a very limited basis…we have put all kinds of sanitizing procedures in place, additional times between movies, spacing between seats, spacing between bowling lanes. We have five theaters that we’ve set up and we’re sectioning off areas that they can sit in and once we sell one seat in that section, the rest of those seats get put on hold so that nobody else can sit next to other people.
The movie theater is operating under regular business hours and now you can rent out one of their movie theaters for a private showing.
Please be responsible and practice social distancing while out and about.
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