WATCH: What Would Texas Towns Sound Like? One Video Has Answers!
Each city in the state of Texas has it's own flavor so to speak doesn't it? After all, there has to be a reason for an individual to visit that area right? Whether it be for a sporting event, a festival of some type, or just simply seeing family, Texas just overall has a lot to offer.
Now here's the thing, there's something we'll always remember about that town in Texas. Whether it be an interesting person we meet out there, a landmark we get to see, or some type of food we experience, a memory is always waiting to be made. But what about another sense that some don't think about when visiting an area: sound.
Try to imagine what sounds certain towns in Texas would make. Could you think of any? Well luckily for you, looks like someone has already helped us out.
Can You Hear That Texas Town Sound?
The video comes to us from 910.kbj on Tik Tok:
First off, kind of upset that we didn't think of this idea, but we digress. Let's talk about how Killeen's sound is just a big YEET. That has us rolling at the fact it's the only sound.
Meanwhile, Austin has the whole trololol song, which honestly just fits doesn't it? They do say "Keep Austin Weird" after all.
Do you agree or disagree with the sounds provided? Let us know by sending us a message using the chat feature on our FREE station app!