Texas Man Caught On Camera Masturbating After Delivering HEB Groceries
Over the last year, we've seen some wild stories involving delivery drivers and their "decisions" when they are out working but this one is probably one of the wildest stories we've seen thus far and begs the question: You couldn't wait until you got home?
A Customer Ordered Groceries From HEB Online and had them delivered.
This story takes place in San Antonio with the details given to us by News4SA, where according to the police report, the victim had ordered groceries from H-E-B and had them delivered by 29 year old Xavier Downs.
Downs dropped the groceries off at the front door and went back to his vehicle.
Like most deliveries, the victim opened the door and collected the groceries, having no contact with Downs and returned inside. This is where you would THINK the story comes to an end and everyone went on about their day. NOPE. Things began to get weird soon after.
Downs came back to the front door.
Instead of driving off to his next delivery or taking the night off, its being reported that moments after Downs made his delivery, he came back, this time delivering his GENITALS. The victim's doorbell camera caught Downs allegedly exposing himself and masturbating at the front door.
The only thing that stopped him was a dog.
This sudden urge by Downs may have continued for awhile if he wasn't interrupted by a dog barking inside the home. We're assuming the "barking" broke his concentration and he pulled his shorts back up and walked away. It didn't take long for police to identify Downs through using the doorbell camera video and get this, he may have done this before because police were able to link him to a similar case back in February of 2021.
Downs was arrested and charged with indecent exposure.
Instead of going home and "taking of care of business" in private, Downs now faces 2 counts of indecent exposure and he's since been released on $3,500 bond. I just hope that the victim doesn't release the video. Folks, if your feeling "hot and bothered" handle your issues in "private" and not while you're ON THE CLOCK.
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