The Best Damn Thing I Ate In East Texas: A Taste Of “Culture”
DISCLAIMER: The Best Damn Thing I Ate series is where Melz On The MIC checks out restaurants all across East Texas for the purposes of review. Melz was not compensated or given free food for his review.
One of the first "Best Damn" articles I wrote when I got to East Texas was about Uncle Jack's Kitchen in Tyler and since that time, I've gotten to know Uncle Jack personally and we're super cool buddies so if he recommends something to me, I trust his advice, especially when it comes to food.
Upon one of my recent visit to Uncle Jack's we got into a discussion about restaurants he likes to visit in East Texas because if there's one thing I've learned in my travels is foodies know foodies and they are in the know. Without hesitation, Jack told me to check out Culture ETX in the square downtown. When a food OG tells you a place is GREAT, you LISTEN AND YOU GO THERE.
I heard a lot of rumors about Culture ETX so I pulled up on a Friday evening and immediately loved the vibe and energy. Laid back atmosphere and a kick ass playlist of music, didn't take me long to get comfortable. But once I got to look at the menu, my stomach and my mind was blown because everything on the menu looked amazing!
I decided to play it safe for my first time being there and went with their popular Crawfish Mac N Cheese. I normally would give you a description of how delicious this was but I scarfed that bowl down in minutes before I could even get my thoughts together to process how good it was.
After considering ordering one of everything on the menu, I decided upon something I admit was a "risk" for me "Duck Confit" (pronounced "Con-Fee" the "T" is silent, so you don't sound like an uncultured moron like I did). Most of my experience with eating duck was either too "gamey" or "taste like nothing".
But this Duck Confit was amazing, a crispy duck leg topped with baby mustard greens on a bed of creamy elote. After I was done inhaling this amazing dish I began to plot my NEXT visit to Culture ETX which will be real soon!
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