Virginia Governor Asked To Resign After Racist Photo Cause Controversy
Black History Month is upon us and not even within a full week a news story out of Virginia reminds us of how racism still exist in this country.
According to CNN, Governor Ralph Northam is having a hard time keeping his story straight, but one thing we know is that he isn’t changing his mind about keeping his job.
On Friday (February 1), he admitted he was one of the two young men in a yearbook photo newly discovered and apologized. However, on Saturday (February 2) he said he wasn’t sure if that wasn’t him in the picture at all, but did admit to darkening his face with shoe polish to impersonate Michael Jackson at a party (insert face palm).
The photo in question is from his medical school yearbook in 1984 where is shows a man in blackface next to a man min a Ku Klux Klan outfit.
Prominent Democrats and Republicans are calling for the Democrat Governor to resign in which his replacement will be Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax who would be Virginia’s second black governor.