Who would have thought in 2019 we would be having a discussion on how to draw the letter "X."

Social media was divided yesterday (January 21) as individuals were explaining the correct way to draw the letter “X” according to Time.

Yes, you heard correctly as Twitter user @SMASEY posted a picture which shows 8 ways to draw the letter X and actually I thought it was only one way which is my way, but come to find out that isn’t the case and there are other ways to write to the letter.

I've put this theory to the test and sent this photo to my co-workers and see where the office stood and the results were shocking!

Twitter @SMASEY
Twitter @SMASEY

Out of 16 individuals:

  • 1 co-worker use either method “1”, “4”, or “8”
  • 2 co-workers used method “2”
  • 11 co-workers including myself use method “7”

The results were surprising as you learn something new when it comes to writing techniques within your peers.

Which writing technique do you use when writing the letter “X?”


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